End of 2019; Into 2020

In the last few weeks of 2019, I am going to take some time to finalize my release schedule for the upcoming year. In the 9 months since I’ve been a published author. I wrote and released 4 books and 2 novellas.

I’ve learned a lot about my writing speed and the time it takes to come up with teasers, updating websites and trying to make myself visible to readers. Let me tell you, it’s a lot of work.

I have a few (okay more than a few) goals I want to accomplish in 2020, like build my mailing list. Learn to create ads for marketing. And ultimately to write. Write more words per day and publish a little more frequently. I’m still employed full time, so to accomplish that, I’ll have have a few books written in advance.

My first two attempts to write multiple books, at the same time, didn’t go as planned. Yes, I’m going try it again. Starting with a spring launch. That gives me the rest of this month, and Jan-Mar to get it done. My goal is to have three books drafted and ready for editing by St. Patty’s day.

The good thing is I’m not starting from scratch. I have a dozen or so stories with varying word counts in my WIP folder. Sometimes I just jot down ideas as they come which turn into fleshed out scenes which won’t fit in the book I’m actively working on.

There’s at least one book that I have to finish. My Seattle Hearts Series has another book to it. It’s at 18k words and it’s waiting for my attention. I took a break from it, because the hero and I had a falling out. His story just wasn’t working for me. He’s been visiting me in my dreams lately. Talking sweetly in my ear, promising me he knows what I and my readers like. I’m feeling a rekindled spark, so I guess we’re about to go steady again.

Everything else is in flux for my attention, but, by January 1st, a decision on which books are being released will be made.

Book 2 in my paranormal series (A.A Levine) is almost done. It’s up for preorder, the cover design process is well underway and and I’m drafting book 3. There may or may not be a fourth. I haven’t thought that far ahead yet.

There’s also a second paranormal series I’m planning. This one has vampires, wolves, and witches, because who doesn’t love that? So, as you can see, lots of potential stories and it’s hard not to fall down a rabbit hole chasing after the good idea fairy.

I think my 15 minute break is over. Back go the 9-5.


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