New Normal-ish

My kids are home from school until April 9th. My office has put me on permanent telework status until TBD. Even the churches are closed. Businesses are modifying their operating schedules and some are closing all together.

This is sad and disheartening. Peoples lives and livelihoods are at a stake. I hope you all are safe out there and I hope we get a handle on this virus soon.

I’ve got books to write. I think now more than ever people need an escape and I’d like to be able to help provide them with that. But first I have to get my brain moving in the right direction.

I’ve been worrying a lot this past week and my creative brain has been stuck. I’ve been unable to write and I’m exhausted. I realized it’s because I’ve been watching and reading too much news and found myself spending all my time making contingency plans for my contingency plans. So this morning, I had to force myself to look at it through clear eyes. I already worked from home 4 days a week. One more day is a blessing. No crazy commute. The kids are on extended spring break and it’s up to the school board to decide how the grading system will work.

Trying to put things in that perspective helps. A little. I’m going to take one more day to refresh and then it’s back to work on my current novels.

What things help you stay level headed in uncertain times?

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