Happy New Year

Happy New Year

New Year. A time to renew and reinvigorate our goals and dreams. 2020 was rough and I know flipping the calendar page doesn’t magically undo everything that’s happened, but for me the new day. This new year brings with it hope.

I’m filled with new story ideas. Ones that include passion, laughter and hope, because couldn’t we all use more of that in our lives?

This year is about self care and time management. Between working from home, parenting kids and running a household in the midst of a pandemic I ran out of steam and had to flex my timelines. A lot.

So, I’ve decided I’m not making any resolutions or posting my publishing plan right away. Just know there will be books you want to read and I will churn them out as fast as I can.

What stories would you like to read. What tropes make you happy and what type of characters make you weak in the knees? Send me pictures of your favorite man candy. I’ll be posting mine in my readers group. Hope to see you there.



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