Orion Academy: Telepathy

Transmutation of species and survival of the fittest.  Charles Darwin was on to something.
Holland Forbes is special.  This isn’t just positive affirmation from her folks.  She really is special.  She’s a Breaker.  Someone who possesses the gift of Telepathy, Telekinesis or Teleportation, though nobody’s manifested that last ability in a very long time.  She’ll never forget the day the doctors at Palmer Biotech Institute came to her house and told her she’s a Telepath and since that day everything she’s studied in school has been designed to prepare her for a job in one of their secret facilities.
At the start of her junior year, she moves to the Orion Academy Compound.  The remote section of campus designed to teach kids like her to control their abilities.  She’s an overachiever, so this should be a piece of cake.  
But day one she learns it’s not as easy as she thought.  The training officers take pleasure in torturing the recruits, she’s separated from her family, and there’s something weird going on with her gift.  
As she fights to earn a coveted intern position; new friendships are formed, others end and she begins to suspect that  there are secrets housed at Orion Headquarters that could put them all in danger