Aurora’s Reads

What’s Aurora Reading? In between writing and momming and working (not necessarily in that order), I’ve decided to add reading into the mix. Nothing says fun like snuggling up on my couch, or in my bed, with a good book. I mean one that I just can’t put down even if every clock in my house suggests it’s way passed my bedtime. I’ll willingly give up sleep to read, and chastise myself the next morning as I’m struggling to make sense of the words on the computer in front of me. This is bad because, my day job rates me on production and the quality of my work. Sleepy Aurora can be either productive or error proof in an 8.5 hour day. If I want both, I have to stay at work later (for free) and do a little quality assessment on myself.

Still, a good book is worth it. So I have several (dozen) on my TBR list and more than 10 digits worth in my Kindle Library. First up, Nicole French’s, The Hate Vow and Willow Winters’, Merciless. If you want to know if Facebook ads work. Yes. So do the very tasty teasers that are scattered throughout my FB feed. That’s why my TBR list is getting bigger by the day. I’m reading both at the same time, because time management is my jam, and who needs sleep anyway, right?

I’ll see ya’ at the The End.

XoXo Aurora

The Kiss Plot: By Nicole French

Wow! Just wow. This one was a true page turner. I was supposed to be working on edits for my WIP but I kept saying one more page. I just had to see what was going to happen next to Jane and Eric. The author showed how even the strongest, most confident people can lose faith in themselves and that the right partner can help boost you up. These two aren’t perfect but damn if they don’t fight to make their relationship work in a way that’s best for them, and isn’t that what a true relationship/ partnership is all about? I loved this book, I’m just sad I have to wait so long for the conclusion of their story.

11/26/19: All The Kings Men Duet

Just finished The Kingmaker, and about 1/3 of the way through the Rebel King. Oooh, I love the political thriller vibe. I especially love that the women in this story kick ass and that “The Kingmaker” is the name given to the heroine.

My TBR pile just keeps getting bigger and bigger, but I will not quit until I’ve read (or attempted to read) everything on my list. Still looking for recommendations, because obviously I feel like there’s no such thing as too many good books.