
There are a lot of questions only head about advertising. When to start, how to do it, how long to let the adds run, and how much to spend. I’m just starting out so I don’t have a lot of money to put behind marketing that might not work. I’m almost ready to put my … More Advertising

Happy New Year

New Year. A time to renew and reinvigorate our goals and dreams. 2020 was rough and I know flipping the calendar page doesn’t magically undo everything that’s happened, but for me the new day. This new year brings with it hope. I’m filled with new story ideas. Ones that include passion, laughter and hope, because … More Happy New Year

New Normal-ish

My kids are home from school until April 9th. My office has put me on permanent telework status until TBD. Even the churches are closed. Businesses are modifying their operating schedules and some are closing all together. This is sad and disheartening. Peoples lives and livelihoods are at a stake. I hope you all are … More New Normal-ish

Slow Going

I’ve been stuck for a few weeks now. My previous attempt to write multiple books has been delayed. I’m still at it but I thought I’d be much further along by now. My characters aren’t cooperating. The storylines are unfolding slowly. I tend to use a go with the flow mentality to storytelling, but I … More Slow Going

Seven at One Blow

I was going through the many, many, many word documents on my desktop trying to come up with the subject of my next WIP. Okay. You caught me. I was procrastinating because I’m supposed to be in the middle of writing two books to release this summer. I’ve been watching a lot of podcasts about … More Seven at One Blow


Advanced Review Copies. I’ve seen posts all over my social media feeds about advanced copies of books going out and wondered. How do you make them, how do you send them, and more importantly who gets them? I’ve been struggling with finding ways to get reviewers for my books. I admit with the first one … More ARCs

Week One

Ten days post debut novel going live and I’m still trying to learn this marketing thing. During pre-order and my first week I had it in all major platforms. I had a few sales on Amazon but everywhere else, they weren’t happening and I’ll be honest I was impatient. I pulled it off of the … More Week One